An intriguing tale of sibling rivalry in Stuart's latest, as the legendary scotch proves it's "No Whiskey for Old Men"
Two brothers, though they share the same name, are quite different.
The film is one brother's sprawling account as to why one is not like the other. The success, achievements and glory came easily to one sibling, whilst the path our brother - "the other" - has followed is a route much more challenging but no less rewarding.
Two brothers but very different spirits.
The film is one brother's sprawling account as to why one is not like the other. The success, achievements and glory came easily to one sibling, whilst the path our brother - "the other" - has followed is a route much more challenging but no less rewarding.
Two brothers but very different spirits.
It's a rip-roaring tale handsomely directed by Stuart and features a emotive voiceover from Sherlock's Moriarty, Andrew Scott.
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