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Christmas Tree

Nice Shirt has a Christmas tree...

...that's not your average Christmas "tree". And yes, that is old used storage boxes. 

A tidy-up of Nice Shirt left us with a lot of old boxes we needed to get rid of- particularly these rather nice pine-coloured boxes. The festive time was upon us and we wanted to get a tree, so we thought we'd get a bit creative (and environmentally friendly, naturally).

Everything is handmade & recycled (except the lights- we're not that ingenious), from the paper chains to the rather fetching black shiny "tinsel", which is in fact tape from old Digis that we were also getting rid of: 

Eco-mental! We still have a sh*t-tonne of these tapes we're trying to get rid of if you're interested. 

Adam made the star a-top the wondrous tree.

Paper chains! So retro. It's just so poetic that that which was once a tree is now a tree again. Or something. 

And behold, our festive tree. The more we look at it, the more it starts to resemble some kind of Christmas robot, but hey. 


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